If a person gets injured on the job, they will likely be eligible to receive workers compensation which is there to help protect injured employees by providing them with financial assistance while they are unable to work, as well as other benefits. If you are unfamiliar with workers comp, then you can read these questions and answers to better familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of it.

1. What are some things that workers comp will cover?

The one thing that most people already know that worker's compensation will cover is your lost wages and these are the wages that you won't be able to collect from working while you are off from work with your injury. However, other things will also be covered. These things include your immediate medical costs, your ongoing medical-related costs, and other costs you have endured that are related to the injury.

2. What types of injuries in the workplace would not be covered?

For a workplace injury to be one that is eligible to be covered under workers comp, it must meet certain requirements. Some of the different types of injuries that would not be eligible would include:

  • Injuries sustained while the person was under the influence
  • Injuries that were received on purpose
  • Injuries that were sustained during a fight the employee instigated
  • Injuries that were sustained while the employee was breaking the law

3. Can an employee get other benefits while on workers comp?

When someone is collecting their workers comp benefits, they may also be eligible for other benefits as well. It is a common misconception that a person is automatically ineligible for other things like disability or social security benefits simply because they are getting workers comp. However, it is important to keep in mind that a person will need to be eligible for those services on their own accord and this means that getting workers comp won't automatically mean that they will also be automatically eligible for them.

If you end up getting hurt while you are on the job, then make sure you follow the proper procedures for reporting what happened in the appropriate manner and within the allowable timeframe. Otherwise, you may put yourself in jeopardy of missing your chance to receive compensation altogether. It may be a good idea for you to talk to a workers compensation attorney right away, so you know you are doing everything correctly.
