Seeing a bankruptcy lawyer is a fantastic step to consider if you have been struggling to find a way to pay the large amount of debt that you have built up over the years, typically because a bankruptcy lawyer can offer a wide range of options that may be able to assist you with that debt. Listed below are just two of the many reasons to see a bankruptcy lawyer.
They Can Help You Determine The Best Approach To Dealing With Your Debt
A huge reason to see a bankruptcy lawyer is that they can help you determine the best approach to dealing with your debt. In some cases, you may find that an actual bankruptcy filing may not be in your best interest with the type of debt that you have or the amount of debt that you have. In those cases, a bankruptcy attorney may offer other solutions, such as contacting the creditors to discuss a new payment plan or utilizing debt consolidation loans to reduce your overall interest rates and the number of payments.
If a bankruptcy is necessary, a bankruptcy lawyer can also help you determine which type of bankruptcy you should consider. If you have a job and regular paycheck, the bankruptcy lawyer may recommend a chapter 13 filing that will require you to spend a few years repaying a reduced amount of debt but you will not have any of your property seized by the bankruptcy court and your credit rating will not take as big of a hit. If you don't have that steady paycheck or have a lot of debt, the bankruptcy lawyer may recommend a chapter 7 filing that will require you to surrender some property but will leave you with a mostly clean slate once the bankruptcy case is complete.
They Can Help You Get Some Peace
Additionally, you should see a bankruptcy lawyer because they can help you get some peace, mostly by allowing you to stop being contacted by debt collectors and your creditors. In most cases, when you hire a bankruptcy attorney for a bankruptcy case, a notice is going to be sent to every creditor that you have listed on your case informing them that a bankruptcy is in progress and that they should leave you alone and stop all collection activity. If those individuals feel the need to discuss the details of your debt or your case, they are provided with the contact information for the bankruptcy court itself and for your attorney.
If those individuals continue to contact you after you have filed, you can give their contact information to your attorney who will contact them on your behalf and get them to leave you alone. In many cases, it won't really go that far as many creditors knew that once they receive the notice from the bankruptcy court that it is very likely and possible that they will be fined a substantial amount of money if they continue to contact you.
Make an appointment with a bankruptcy lawyer today to discuss your options for paying off or eliminating your accrued debt. You should see a bankruptcy lawyer because they can help you determine the best approach to dealing with your debt and they can help you attain some peace.