Applying for Social security disability can be a complex task. Often times, people are denied. This is especially true in cases where the disability is mental. Although social security does provide benefits for those suffering from a mental condition, it can be hard to get approved. If you are suffering from a mental condition and want to receive disability benefits, use these four tips to help make the process easier:
1. Determine If Your Condition Is Covered
Social security has a list of mental conditions that it commonly covers. Some of those conditions include anxiety disorders, mental retardation, schizophrenia, and substance addictions. However, it may also cover other mental disorders such as personality disorders and autism. If your condition is outlined as covered by social security, you will have a much easier time getting approved.
If your condition isn't listed, you can still get approved. However, it may be much more difficult.
2. Qualifying For Disability
There are various requirements that you must meet in order to be approved. In general, you must be able to prove that your mental condition affects your ability to sustain employment. However, you will also need medical proof. In addition, you might also need sworn statements from previous employers or witnesses to verify your condition.
3. Visit The Doctor
During your application process, you will be required to visit a pre-approved doctor. During this appointment, the doctor will perform various tests to determine if your mental illness is disabling. While you are at the appointment, be sure to bring along your medication list. You might also need to visit a psychologist or therapist to determine the extent of your disability. During every appointment it is important that you cooperate with the doctor.
4. Hiring an Attorney
Finally, you might want to consider hiring an attorney for your case. Mental disorders can be difficult to diagnosis and prove, so an attorney is helpful. These professionals can help prove your disorder by verifying statements, finding witnesses, and talking with your doctor. They can also help you fill out all the legal paperwork, so that you have the best chance possible of being approved.
If you are attempting to prove you have a mental disorder in order to receive disability benefits, follow these tips. With these tips, and the help of a social security attorney, you can help increase the odds of your application being approved. A lawyer might also be able to help speed up the process, so that you can get approved quicker. Contact a local attorney, like Gieg Law Offices, for more information.