Every employer knows that worker's compensation claims can be costly. A simple fracture, for example, can cost a company an average of $50,000. Distrust between workers and employers can drive the cost of a worker's compensation claim even higher, especially when a worker fears that he or she will be fired after an injury.

Here are three things you can do to help foster trust between your company and your employees to reduce the fear of retaliation and minimize the cost of worker's compensation claims in the future.

1. Encourage employees to point out possible safety hazards.

When employees don't trust their employer they may be hesitant to point out potential safety hazards for fear of losing their jobs. To foster trust among your employees, be sure that you have an open-door policy when it comes to safety concerns.

Employees want a leader who practices effective listening techniques in order to ensure their concerns are valued. You should be empathetic toward your employees' safety concerns, and engaged in actively addressing their concerns in a timely manner. Not only will allowing your employees to point out safety hazards without fear of retaliation build trust, it could help you prevent potential worker's compensation claims by reducing workplace injuries.

2. Provide a nurse triage program to help employees provide self-care when their injuries are not severe.

When an employee becomes injured during work hours, these injuries are not always life-threatening. By providing access to a nurse triage program, you can give your employees the chance to learn about self-care techniques that can reduce the medical expenses associated with a workplace injury.

Employees will have the chance to discuss their symptoms with a qualified nurse immediately after an injury occurs. If ice, rest, or over-the-counter pain medicines can be used to treat the injury, a nurse triage program can prevent unnecessary trips to the doctor for a diagnosis. Establishing a nurse triage program shows your employees that you value their health and safety, and can reduce the amount of medical expenses your company pays for minor worker injuries that could become costly worker's compensation claims in the future.

3. Create transitional positions so workers who have been injured can return to the workplace as soon as possible.

While an injury might prevent an employee from performing his or her original duties, many workers could do paperwork or other light duty jobs while they are recuperating. When you provide transitional positions that give your employees the chance to return to work quickly after an injury, you show that you value your employees as individuals.

These transitional positions build trust between you and your workforce. You also reduce the amount of money you pay out in worker's compensation claims by giving injured employees the opportunity to earn a steady income while they recuperate.

Accidents can happen in the workplace, but when employees and employers trust one another these accidents don't have to result in costly worker's compensation claims. By fostering trust with employees through safety hazard identification, a nurse triage program, and transitional positions, you can reduce the amount of money your company spends on worker's compensation claims in the future. For more ideas, talk to an attorney like Lovett Schefrin Harnett.
