If you're in debt up to your ears, you may feel that you'll never be able to get rid of the bills that plague you. You may even be experiencing anxiety each time the phone rings, since you're not sure if it will be a friend or a bill collector. However, there are things you can do to relieve yourself of your debt burden in a relatively quick and efficient manner. Use this information to learn more about what you can do to obtain debt relief as soon as possible.
Consider Filing For Bankruptcy
Although you may have never considered it, filing for bankruptcy is one of the best techniques you can use to get rid of excessive debt. Bankruptcy is essentially a form of financial protection; it's designed to keep individuals from being bogged down in so much debt that it threatens their livelihood and quality of life.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you are likely trying to decide which chapter you should file for: 7 or 13. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the ideal choice for people who want to totally wipe out their debt. The plus side is that you will usually walk away from your filing completely debt free. However, you will lose some of your assets, such as your car, home, boat, and other belongings. These items will typically be liquidated to pay back your creditors.
Conversely, the Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to keep your things as long as you adhere to a payment plan that the bankruptcy court trustee will oversee. All of your bills will be combined into one lump sum payment that you must pay each month for a set period of time. While you are still going to be responsible for adhering to your payment plan, you will at least be able to manage it more easily. This can go a long way toward helping to increase your peace of mind.
Charitable Organizations Can Help
Another method you can use to obtain debt relief is to seek out charitable aid. While it may seem that many charity efforts are aimed at large-scale events such as disaster relief and the cessation of world hunger, there are a number of charities out there that help regular people who simply need help with their bills.
For example, if you have excessive medical bills, you may want to check with the medical center that you are indebted to in order to find out if they have private financial donors who are willing to pay for all, or a specific portion of your medical bills. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out you receive help that alleviates some of your financially related stress.
You don't have to remain mired in a sea of bills. Start using these tips right away so you can experience debt relief without delay. For more information about bankruptcy, visit Curtis A. Anderson, Attorney At Law.